Part 3: Getting the Story Going

Hello everyone, and welcome back to King's Quest II. We rejoin Graham outside of the dwarf's house. Now that we've robbed the dwarf, we can finish the second half of the fairy tale from the first update. Well, kinda.

In spite of the various violent ways that Sierra protagonists can kick the bucket, King's Quest is ultimately not a violent series.

So while we're going to somewhat re-enact Little Red Riding Hood, we're not going to be dealing with the Big Bad Wolf. The wolf, in fact, doesn't even have to show up.

Unlike with the witch from the first game, there's not even a way to tell if the house is safe or not.

It's up to pure, blind chance if the little house is safe or not. I deliberately left and re-entered until the wolf was there in place of grandma. To get the house to be unsafe, it took about five tries.
If you're unlucky, you also have plenty of time to leave. As you can see in the gif above, it took the wolf a little better than a second to notice that Graham was there and get out of bed. I also cut out the narration up above, which pops up on top of the screen before anything else does.
So basically in order to get this death, you need to go out of your way to trigger it.

Normally, Grandma's house looks like this.

A red and black cape, a gold ring engraved with the initials C.D., a mallet, and a stake?

You can put them on at any time after getting them, and failing to do so will eventually kill us. So just put them on now and forget about them.

We're behind the dwarf's house, still wandering around aimlessly, when...

This is why you stay on the outside edge of the screen. Thankfully treasure that's stolen in this game isn't gone permanently. Instead, you just have to go back to the dwarf's house to get it back.

Soo... this bridge. Thiiiis bridge. We're on screen G6, just above the mission. Now I want you to watch this next gif carefully.

You may have noticed something at the end there. Watch it again if you didn't get it. Still stumped? We got a single point for crossing the bridge. This is your only indication that this bridge is important.
I'll cover exactly why the bridge is important later, but for right now know that we're going to get a single point each time we cross it. It's another one of those patented Bullshit Sierra Scenarios.

Screen F7 has this door to nowhere on a bit of land completely surrounded by mountains and a ravine, with the only way to access it being that bridge I mentioned before. There's a pretty good chance that it's important. So let's take a look.

That's the only hint you get. So it's time to get back to wandering around. And by wandering I mean I'm going right for our destination.

Clear on the other side of the map, on screen C1, a mermaid has now appeared.

Well, we made a splash, and there's our key. Let's see what this king has to say for himself.

No really, the game says that if you try to talk to him. So let's try to do this nonverbally. If I'm being honest, that was probably his trident we found on the beach, meaning we have the power of Neptune in our hands. So let's have a little fun...
>wave trident

So obviously that was the wrong thing to do, but it was fun to show off. Now let's rewind and try again.

You might think this is a dead man walking scenario, and you're partially right. You can leave the screen and return, and the mermaid is back. From there, things proceed as before.
>give flowers to mermaid
>ride seahorse

Then we arrive back at Neptune's lair.

Where he instantly kills you for no particularly good reason. This is one of those deaths you have to work for, but is pretty funny all the same. So let's restore again and do it right.

We're back in front of Neptune, he's not pissed off, and Graham has the trident.

Once we have the key, we're done underwater. So just leave the way you came and...

We're back on solid land no worse for the wear. That's enough for now.
NEXT TIME: A special cameo or two.
List of Points
+2 - Chicken soup for Grandma
+4 - Gifts from Grandma
+3 - 1 Ring for a mortal man doomed to die
+1 - Crossing the bridge
+1 - Crossing the bridge again
+2 - Graham's got a mermaid girlfriend
+2 - Seahorse rodeo
+4 - Neptune has his trident
+5 - Neptune's golden key
Total: 75/185
Register of Deaths
My, what big teeth you have
Tumbling off the cliffs
Pissing off Neptune x2